International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

A disciple of Alberto Mario Cirese and Ernesto de Martino and deeply linked to the thinking of Antonio Gramsci, Giulio Angioni (1939-2017) taught cultural anthropology at the University of Cagliari. The agro-pastoral world of Sardinia (which is also that of his origin) was at the centre of his research and work, which has become an essential point of reference for all those who study this island. In his theoretical writings – crossed by Marxist and Gramscian influences and studies of cultural technology (André Leroi-Gourhan) – he reflects on work, embodied knowledge, common sense and the relationship between these three dimensions.

Keywords: Folklore | Social and cultural anthropology | Ialian Anthropology | Demology | Historical materialism | 20th century | 21st century | Italy | Sardinia | Peasants | Shepherds | Concept of culture | Language | Labour | Social classes | Subalternity | Identity | Technical know-how | Antonio Gramsci | Alberto Mario Cirese | Ernesto De Martino | André Leroi-Gourhan

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