Ethnologie française (1971- )
Founded in 1971 by Jean Cuisenier, then director of the Musée des arts et traditions populaires (National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions) and of the Centre d’ethnologie française, the journal Ethnologie française aimed to embody the new anthropology at home. Heir to journals whose names and contents were attached to folklore as a disciplinary tradition, it encompassed the anthropological analysis of contemporary France, with a focus on subjects as diverse as the urban world, sport, the body, the rise of regionalism, etc. The journal eventually opted for special issues. From 1994 until 2017, an annual issue was dedicated to the ethnology of a European country, with a total of 24 annual issues building a unique panorama of the discipline in all its diversity.
Keywords: Folklore | Anthropology of Europe | Anthropology of France | Anthropology at home | Second half of the 20th century | France | European Studies | Jean Cuisenier | Musée national des arts et traditions populaires
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