Carneiro, Edison (1912-1972)
Brazilian anthropologist Edison Carneiro (1912-1972) mainly devoted himself to ethnographic and historical studies on the religiosity and cultural practices of African matrix in Brazil, as well as on Brazilian folklore. A communist intellectual and combative journalist, he carried out ethnographic fieldwork from the 1930s onwards in the candomblé terrains of Salvador, the “African Rome”, an area in which he became one of the main interpreters and specialists. He fought for the defense of freedom of worship of Afro-Brazilian religions. He never obtained a university position. Among his extensive works are Religiões Negras (1936), Candomblés da Bahia (1947), Antologia do Negro Brasileiro (1950) and Dinâmica do Folclore (1965).
Keywords: Folklore | 20th century | Brazil | African-American studies | Afro-brazilian Religions | Race | Folk culture | Race relations
“Uma ‘vocação perdida’? Vida e obra de Edison Carneiro, expoente dos estudos afro‑brasileiros”
Gustavo Rossi, 2020
Intelectual brasileiro, nascido na cidade de Salvador, capital do Estado da Bahia, Edison Carneiro (1912-1972) dedicou-se a uma gama bastante vasta de gêneros e temas, dentre os quais merecem destaque, de um lado, seus estudos etnográficos e históricos concernentes à religiosidade e às práticas (…)
“A “Lost Vocation”? The Life and Work of Edison Carneiro, Exponent of Afro‑Brazilian Studies”
Gustavo Rossi, 2020
Edison Carneiro (1912-1972), a Brazilian intellectual, was born in the city of Salvador, capital of the State of Bahia. He dedicated himself to a very wide range of genres and themes, among which are his ethnographic and historical studies concerning African-derived religiosity and cultural (…)
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