International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Born in Vietnam to a French father and a mixed-race mother, Georges Condominas is one of the best ethnologists of Southeast Asia. He is the author of several classic books, including Nous avons mangé la forêt de la Pierre-Génie Gôo (1957), L’Exotique est quotidien, Sar Luk, Vietnam central (1965) and L’Espace social. À propos de l’Asie du Sud-Est (1980). Elected in 1960 to the 6th section of the EPHE, in 1962 he founded the Centre de documentation et de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est et le Monde insulindien (CeDrasemi) with Lucien Bernot and André-Georges Haudricourt, where he promoted field experience and ethnoscience.

Keywords: Colonial sciences | French Ethnology | French colonialism | Southeast Asia | Vietnam
