Portugal – Histoire de l’anthropologie et archives ethnographiques portugaises (19e-21e siècles)
“Histórias e Memórias da Antropologia Portuguesa”
Clara Saraiva, 2023
Os vários olhares sobre a disciplina em Portugal Verão de 2020, Lisboa. O Congresso da EASA/European Association of Social Anthropologists realizou-se de 20 a 24 de Julho, comemorando os 30 anos do primeiro congresso da associação, que tivera lugar em Coimbra . Em 1990, o tema do congresso (…)
“Beyond the “Carnation Revolution”: An Overview of Contemporary Histories of Portuguese Anthropology”
Sónia Vespeira de Almeida & Rita Cachado, 2023
Introduction One of the goals of this article is to describe how Portuguese anthropologists work when they devote their time to exploring the history of Portuguese anthropology. How do twenty-first-century practitioners approach their own disciplinary past? What legacies do they see as (…)
“Étrangers au Portugal : l’anthropologie des communautés rurales portugaises dans les années 1960”
João Leal, 2019
Entre 1870 et 1970, l’anthropologie portugaise s’est structurée autour de l’équation établie entre culture populaire et identité nationale (Leal 2000). Entre-temps, à la fin de cette période, en particulier dans les années 1960, apparaissent les premiers signes d’une autre pratique (…)
Sources secondaires
“Notes on the Anthropology in Portugal: History, Challenges and Future Perspectives”
Patrícia Ferraz de Matos, 2022
“Who Were the Ancestors of the Portuguese? Portuguese Debate on their National Origins”
Patrícia Ferraz de Matos, 2017
“Studies on the ‘Portuguese Orient’ (India [Goa, Daman and Diu], Macau and Timor) in the Colonial Context: Political and Scientific Programs (1880s-1960s)”
Patrícia Ferraz de Matos, 2021
Dossiers documentaires associés
Anthropologie et colonialisme
Congrès international des orientalistes (Lisbonne, 1892)
Adolfo Coelho (1847-1919)
António Mendes Correia (1888-1960)
Colette Callier-Boisvert (1938- )
Francisco Lage (1888-1957)
Henrique de Carvalho (1843-1909)
Museu do Dundo (1936- )
Rui Alberto Mateus Pereira (1957-2020)
Ruy Cinatti (1915-1986)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia, SPAE (1918-)