International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Sidney Mintz (1922-2015), an American anthropologist, a disciple of Julian Steward and Ruth Benedict at Columbia University, belonged to the generation that made the transition from cultural anthropology to more power-sensitive approaches. He was one of the most influential anthropologists of the 20th century, thanks in particular to his studies on the Caribbean and other “Creole” contexts, combining field and archives. Among his many books, his monograph on the place of sugar in modern history, Sweetness and Power (1985), became a milestone in the anthropology of food, but also in the anthropology of globalization. An eminent professor and great pedagogue, his name remains associated with Johns Hopkins University.

Keywords: Social and cultural anthropology | Colonialism | 20th century | Caribbean | Haiti | Cuba | United States of America | Puerto Rico | Jamaica | Slavery | Food anthropology | Capitalism | Cultural syncretism/creolization | Globalization | Ruth Benedict | Julian Steward

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