Preuss, Konrad Theodor (1869-1938)
Colciencias-Université Nationale de Colombie, ICANH
Konrad Theodor Preuss (1869-1938) belongs to the generation of German Americanists of the early 20th century. After working in the Oceanic section of the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin, he gradually became interested in Mesoamerican studies upon becoming one of Eduard Seler’s disciples. He led two expeditions in Latin America, the first to Gran Nayar in Mexico (1905-1907) and the second to Colombia (1913-1919). His field experience allowed him to strengthen his theories on the mythical thinking of the Amerindian peoples and to produce vast compilations of mythological accounts transcribed in indigenous and German languages.
Keywords: Mexico | Colombia | Amerindian studies | Mesoamerican studies | Americanism | Collections | Material culture | Myths
Secondary Sources
"La forme interne de la conscience mythique. Apport de Karl Theodor Preuss à la philosophie des formes symboliques de Cassirer"
Paulina Alcocer, 2006
« Elementos humboldtianos en las teorías de la religión y de la magia de Konrad Th. Preuss »
Paulina Alcocer, 2002
Primary sources
Die Begräbnisarten der Amerikaner und Nordostasiaten
Konrad Theodor Preuss, 1894
Religión y mitología de los Uitotos
Konrad Theodor Preuss, 1921
Forschungsreise zu den Kágaba, Beobachtungen, Textaufnahmen und sprachliche Studien bei einem Indianerstamme in Kolumbien, Südamerika
Konrad Theodor Preuss, 1926-1927
Kunst: Ausgrabungen im Quellgebiet des Magdalena in Kolumbien und ihre Ausstrahlungen in Amerika
Konrad Theodor Preuss, 1929
Notes and research instruments
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