International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia – ICANH (1938- )

The Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH) is one of the institutions entrusted by the Colombian State with the safeguarding and management of the archaeological, historical and anthropological heritage, missions that also involve research, conservation and dissemination activities. Its origins date back to 1938, when the position of Head of the Archaeological Service was created in the Archaeology Department of the Ministry of Fine Arts. In 1941, the National Ethnological Institute was founded. These two entities merged to form the Colombian Institute of Anthropology (ICAN). In 1999, the Colombian Institute of Hispanic Culture was attached to ICAN to form the current ICANH institution.

Keywords: Ethnology | Cultural anthropology | Colombia | Amerindian studies | Precolombian Archaeology | Heritage | Research Institute

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