International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

British physician Charles G. Seligman (1873-1940) became an anthropologist during the famous Cambridge Expedition to the Torres Strait (1898). Following other ethnographic missions, often accompanied by his wife Brenda Seligman, he published books — including The Veddas (1911) — that consolidated his reputation and gave him a pioneering teaching position at the London School of Economics. Converted to diffusionism, he launched his “Hamitic” theory on the influence of Egyptian civilization in Africa. Master of Malinowski, Evans-Pritchard and Isaac Schapera, his place in the history of the discipline was to be eclipsed by the institutional and intellectual rise of Malinowski.

Keywords: Physical anthropology | Social and cultural anthropology | African Studies | Asian studies | Melanesian studies | Cultural diffusion and migrations

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