International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Vuillier, Gaston (1845-1915)

Coordinated by Daniel Fabre

IIAC-LAHIC, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris.

Gaston Vuillier (1815-1915) was a French draftsman, traveller and ethnographer. He found his way into major illustrated magazines such as Le Tour du Monde, and became the depicter of the “forgotten islands” of the Mediterranean. From 1892 onwards, it was in Limousin, in Gimel, that he found his home port. He discovered an exceptional landscape, sumptuous waterfalls that evoked the country of his childhood, and undertook to describe the people who lived there, their rites and beliefs (witchcraft, fountain worship...). He fought for twenty years to safeguard this site, which he managed to have classified in 1912. This is where he died and was buried.

Keywords: Publicist | Painter or draftsman | Last quarter of the 19th century | First quarter of the 20th century | Limousin | Magico-religious practices

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