International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Folk-Lore Andaluz, El (1882-1883)

Coordinated by Mercedes Gómez García‑Plata

CREC – Sorbonne Nouvelle

Founded in March 1882 by Antonio Machado y Álvarez, El Folk-Lore Andaluz was the journal of the regional folk society of the same name. It consists of twelve monthly issues, published between March 1882 and February 1883, printed in Seville by Francisco Álvarez and then compiled into a volume, published the same year. From 1883 onwards, it merged with the magazine El Folk-Lore Frexnense to become El Folk-Lore Bético-extremeño, whose various volumes were published until 1884.

Keywords: Folklore | 1880s | Last quarter of the 19th century | Spain | Andalusia | Journals and periodicals

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