International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Machado y Álvarez, Antonio (1846-1893)

Coordinated by Mercedes Gómez García‑Plata

CREC – Sorbonne Nouvelle

Antonio Machado y Álvarez (1846 - 1893) became interested in studying folk culture at an early age, but it was when he learned of the news of the constitution of the Folk-Lore Society of London that he decided to found a similar society in Spain. However, while he adopted the British folklore paradigm and institutional model, he redefined them according to Spanish context: El Folk-Lore Español, as the society was named, is thus the federation of folklore centres established in the regions of Spain’s historic provinces.

Keywords: Folklore | Lawyer | Third quarter of the 19th century | Spain | Andalusia | Folk traditions

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