International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Folk-Lore Society (1878- )

Coordinated by David Hopkin

Hertford College, University of Oxford

The Folklore Society (originally Folk-Lore Society) was founded in London in 1878 by a group of folklore and antiquities enthusiasts. At the first session in January 1878, its secretary George Laurence Gomme announced its subject: “[...] the collecting and printing the fast-fading relics of our popular fictions and traditions, legendary ballads, local proverbial saying, old customs and superstitions”. These materials were collected by the various members who published them in the Society’s journals: Folk-Lore Record (1878-1882), Folk-Lore Journal (1883 to 1889) and Folk-Lore (from 1890).

Keywords: Folklore | Scholarly sociability | Second half of the 19th century | 20th century | United Kingdom | Folk traditions

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