The open access online e-book Series “Les Carnets de Bérose” is dedicated to publication of works on the history of anthropology and ethnographic knowledge. The collection reflects the renewed spirit, vitality and abundance of current research in this field. The works published are the fruit of individual or collective efforts, texts of “conventional” length, as well as essays longer than those habitually accepted by printed publications.
Different types of papers are welcomed:
- epistemological and theoretical studies related to the history of anthropology;
- monographs on an anthropologist, a school of thought, a scholarly network, a national tradition, a scientific institution, an ethnographic mission, a historical period, etc.;
- cross-disciplinary topics, such as ethnographic museums, national construction, relations with colonialism, popular arts, disciplinary boundaries, new objects of study, regional studies, etc.;
- articles destined for collective volumes of varia;
- critical editions of unpublished works, correspondence, early work.
Original proposals in French or in English are evaluated by the Bérose steering committee and members of the Scientific Advisory Council. Submissions should be sent to :
Since 2016 the collection has been directed by Christine Laurière (CNRS, LAHIC-IIAC) and Frederico Delgado Rosa (CRIA-FCSH/NOVA).
In addition to Les Carnets de Bérose, other printed publications reflect the work carried out in the framework of various Bérose research programmes and meetings organized by members of the network.