International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Born in 1946, French anthropologist Christian Bromberger is a specialist in Iran and Mediterranean societies, and is equally interested in European anthropology, as well as the methods and concepts of social anthropology. His vast body of work, comprising more than 250 publications, addresses issues as varied as material and technical culture, the question of collective identities, heritage, ordinary passions – such as sport, particularly football – and body hair. Founder and first director of the Laboratoire d’ethnologie méditerranéenne et comparative, now IDEMEC (1988) at the University of Aix-Marseille, he also chaired the Conseil du patrimoine ethnologique (1998–2001) and was director of the Institut français de recherche en Iran (2006–2008). He contributed to the creation of the Gilân Rural Heritage Museum (Iran). He is currently president of the Germaine Tillion Association.

Keywords: Anthropology of Cultural Heritage | Anthropology of peasantry | Anthropology of Europe | Anthropology of Emotion | Anthropology of Technology | Iran | Rural architecture | Museum | Rural Societies | Ecomuseum | Heritage | Cultural Intangible Heritage | Technical know-how | Material culture | Identity | Hairiness | Sport | Soccer | Mission du patrimoine ethnologique | André Leroi-Gourhan | Claude Lévi-Strauss | Jean Cuisenier | Maxime Rodinson | Hélène Balfet

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