Pimpaneau, Jacques (1934-2021)
Jacques Pimpaneau (1934-2021) was a French sinologist, a specialist in traditional Asian theatre and performing arts. Professor of Chinese language, literature and civilization and author of numerous volumes, Pimpaneau was also a translator, an essayist, a novelist and storyteller, a publisher, a collector, a puppeteer, and a film-maker. He studied Chinese at Langues’O from 1954 and at Peking University between 1958 and 1960. He taught at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales from 1963 to 1999. After a three-year stay at the Chinese University of Hong Kong between 1968 and 1971, he founded the Kwok On Museum of Asian Folk Art and Traditions in Paris, whose collections were finally donated to the Museu do Oriente in Lisbon in 1999.
Keywords: Theatre | 20th century | Chine | Folk arts | Performing Arts | Puppets
Secondary sources
« Les bonnes feuilles du disciple de Monsieur Kwok On, ou Jacques Pimpaneau et ses livres »
Vincent Durand‑Dastès, Soline Lau‑Suchet & Valérie Lavoix, 2021
« Hommage à Jacques Pimpaneau, éminent sinologue, mort à 87 ans »
Pierre‑Antoine Donnet, 2021
« Disparition de Jacques Pimpaneau, sinologue et professeur à l’Inalco de 1965 à 1999 »
Inalco, 2021
Notes and research instruments
« Jacques Pimpaneau. Entretien avec Alain Morel »
Alain Morel & Jacques Pimpaneau, 2014
"Les samedis de France Culture - Au bord de l’eau, un grand roman chinois"
Claude Hudelot, 1979
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