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of the Histories of Anthropology

Book launch & Table of Content : Jack Goody Between Social Anthropology and World History

Chris Hann & Han F. Vermeulen
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Book Launch & Table of content of a book edited by Hann, Chris & Han F. Vermeulen, 2024. Jack Goody Between Social Anthropology and World History, Berlin/Münster, LIT Verlag (Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 50), x + 397 pp. ISBN 978-3-643-91598-6.

To mark publication of the 50th and final volume in the series “Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia”:

Book Launch at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Main Seminar Room, Thursday 23 January 2025, 16:00-17:30 CET. This is an in-person event but those unable to participate in person may do so via this link:
You will need to register with Anke Meyer: meyer@eth.mpg.de

Access to the resource

TOC, Jack Goody Between Social Anthropology and World History - PDF