Florence Weber, born in 1958, wanted to work on Tuareg kinship before becoming involved in the ethnography of working-class cultures in France. Her investigations led her to develop a theory of informal practices and non-market exchanges. At the same time, she conducted research into the history of anthropology, focusing on the question of the ethnographic relationship. She has consistently pursued a demanding interdisciplinary approach, working with historians, sociologists, economists and professionals. Her teaching at the École Normale Supérieure and the EHESS has been marked by a concern with observing ongoing social transformations, and helping students gain the necessary distance from their own social experiences. She has developed her research in two main areas: professional and family help for dependent elderly people, and the upheaval of everyday life in psychic disorders. Using these extreme cases as a starting point, she seeks to gauge the extent of new inequalities and relational disruptions in the foreseeable future of contemporary societies.

Florence Weber. Entretien avec Alain Morel
Ancien chargé de mission à la Mission du patrimoine ethnologique
Ministère de la culture
“Florence Weber. Interview with Alain Morel”, collection “L’Ethnologie en héritage”, n°26, director : Gilles Le Mao ; producers : Gilles Le Mao & Stéphane Jourdain /La Huit, 2022, 170 min.
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