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Des arbres au cœur d’une émotion. La fabrique d’un consensus patrimonial : le parc du château de Versailles après la tempête

Véronique Dassié
Full reference

Dassié, Véronique. 2014. Des arbres au cœur d’une émotion. La fabrique d’un consensus patrimonial : le parc du château de Versailles après la tempête. Paris, CNRS & ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 222 p. (Les Carnets du LAHIC, 9)

In 1999, a storm devastated France. Attention quickly focused on the grounds of the Château de Versailles, where many trees over a hundred years old had been felled by the winds. The ethnographic study of this heritage emotion reveals all the contradictions in current bonds with nature, but also the workings of a heritage consensus to which the very concept of nature has given shape. This Notebook analyses the conditions that made it possible to mobilise a community of action that was as ephemeral as it was fragmented around a multi-faceted emotion. The history of the park, itself a constituent part of the notion of collective heritage, reveals the importance of nature in creating a shared culture.

This is the ninth issue of the “Carnets du LAHIC”, a collection published electronically by LAHIC and the Département du pilotage de la recherche et de la politique scientifique de la Direction générale des patrimoines (French Ministry of Culture and Communication).

Véronique DASSIÉ is a research fellow at the Institut d’ethnologie européenne et méditerranéenne (CNRS- MMSH – Université Aix-Marseille). After completing her doctoral research at EHESS as part of the LAHIC (IIAC) on domestic conservation (Objets d’affection, Paris, Cths, 2010), she turned her attention to the processes of heritage making and memorisation that take place in the wake of heritage institutions. She is currently studying affective mobilisation in relation to social change and is beginning research on environmental commitments. Her research on the Château de Versailles was carried out as part of a research programme on “heritage emotions” (LAHIC-Ministry of Culture and Communication – DPRPS) led by Daniel Fabre, and also received support from the Groupe d’histoire des forêts françaises, as part of the “High winds and tree heritage” programme (Ministry of Agriculture).

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Des arbres au cœur d’une émotion. La fabrique d’un consensus patrimonial : le parc du château de Versailles après la tempête-PDF