Christian Bromberger, agrégé in lettres classiques, has devoted his career to ethnology. He has been a professor at the University of Provence, a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, founder and director of the Laboratoire d’ethnologie méditerranéenne et comparative, now IDEMEC, and director of the Institut français de recherche en Iran. Finally, he is currently president of the Germaine Tillion Association.
He has worked mainly on the province of Gilân in Iran, of which he has become one of the best specialists. His research in Iran and in the French domain has focused in particular on the themes of habitat, collective identities, cultural and social borders, material and technical culture, heritage, ordinary passions and especially sporting passions around the football match, on hairiness and on the Mediterranean world. For Christian Bromberger, Saturday night fevers, Sunday morning leisure activities and the wearing of a moustache are as rich in meaning as the great questions of social life. He has contributed to theoretical and methodological debates in anthropology in France and Europe. He is also a member of numerous editorial boards. His work has resulted in more than 270 publications.
« Christian Bromberger. Entretien avec Alain Morel »
Ancien chargé de mission à la Mission du patrimoine ethnologique
Ministère de la culture
“ Christian Bromberger. Interview with Alain Morel ”, collection “L’Ethnologie en héritage”, n°21, director : Gilles Le Mao ; producers : Gilles Le Mao & Stéphane Jourdain /La Huit, 2016, 180 min.
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