International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

« Maurice Bloch. Entretien avec Laurent Berger »

Laurent Berger & Maurice Bloch
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“Maurice Bloch. Interview with Laurent Berger”, collection “L’Ethnologie en héritage”, n°8, director : Gilles Le Mao ; producers : Gilles Le Mao & Stéphane Jourdain /La Huit, 2010, 95 min.

Maurice Bloch, a British anthropologist of French origin, trained in ethnology in England at the London School of Economics (LSE) and at Cambridge where he obtained his doctorate. His fieldwork was conducted mainly among the Merina and later among the Zafimaniry of Madagascar. From 1983 to 2005, he held the LSE Chair in Anthropology which had previously been held by Bronislaw Malinowski. Throughout his career, Bloch has taught as a visiting professor at numerous universities in Europe, the USA and Japan. In 2005-–2006, he held the European Chair at the Collège de France. Today, his concerns lie mainly in the field of cognitive anthropology, of which he is one of the initiators and most eminent specialists. Maurice Bloch has devoted his latest fieldwork to testing the data and hypotheses of the theory of mind.

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