International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

«  Gilles Tarabout. Entretien avec Alain Morel  »

Alain Morel & Gilles Tarabout
Full reference

“Gilles Tarabout. Interview with Alain Morel”, collection “L’Ethnologie en héritage”, n°12, director : Gilles Le Mao ; producers : Gilles Le Mao & Stéphane Jourdain /La Huit, 2012, 180 min.

Gilles Tarabout (director of research at the CNRS), starting from a first fieldwork devoted to the study of spectacular rituals practiced in Kerala (South India), worked on various themes of religious anthropology. This region also invited him to revisit one of the major themes of the anthropology of kinship: the house societies of the upper castes (Namputiri Brahmins and Nayar warriors). His personal work has frequently been linked to collective projects that he has co-directed: on violence and the notion of “non-violence” in India, the processes of acculturation of Islam and Christianity, possession, representations of the body, the phenomena of transference and transformation of rites, and more recently, on the anthropology of judicial practices. These themes are all developed in this interview. His approach, initially marked by structuralism, has evolved towards a growing awareness of social heterogeneities, of the power relations linked to them, as well as of historical dynamics. Gilles Tarabout plays a decisive role in the animation of French research.

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