In 1913, Harrap Publishing published Contes des marins de la Haute-Bretagne in
the Harrap’s Shorter French Texts collection, intended for French teachers and
their students. Tere is a selection of four tales, « Le château suspendu dans les
airs (Te castle suspended in the air) », « Le navire des fées (Te fairy ship) », « La
sirène de la Fresnaye (Te mermaid of the Fresnaye) », et « Le cordon enchanté
(Te enchanted cordon) », accompanied by grammar exercises, other versions
and a vocabulary list. Another series of four stories had previously been published
in the same series under the title Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne, edited
by E. K. Sheldon.
Contes des marins de la Haute-Bretagne, Harrap’s
Paul Sébillot
Sébillot, Paul, 1913. Contes des marins de la Haute-Bretagne. Adapted and edited by J. E. Mansion, coll. Harrap’s Shorter French Texts. London: George G. Harrap & Company.