> Équipes de recherche Histoire de l’anthropologie en Australasie (1900-2000) Sous la direction de Geoffrey Gray (University of Queensland) Articles sur ce thème “Raymond Firth in the Antipodes : A ‘Capacity for Organising and Administration as well as First-Rate Anthropology’” Geoffrey Gray Christine Winter « ‘Une figure d’importance’. Vie et œuvre de Siegfried Frederick Nadel » Geoffrey Gray “An Accomplished Fieldworker : A Biography of H. Ian Hogbin ” Geoffrey Gray “A Desire for Social Justice : Life and Work of Ralph O’Reilly Piddington” Geoffrey Gray “Ron & Marjorie Crocombe and Harry Maude : Partnerships, Ethnohistory and Publishing” Geoffrey Gray Doug Munro “ “A Figure of Importance”. Life and Work of Siegfried Frederick Nadel” Geoffrey Gray