Encyclopédie internationale
des histoires de l’anthropologie

Lorenzo Dow Turner – Video Collection

Cette ressource comprend une sélection d’enregistrements audiovisuels concernant Lorenzo Dow Turner et ses travaux.

Video 01 – African Roots : Word Connections.

The essence of Turner’s work was how he could connect the African diaspora communities, even before he was able to go to Africa, through language. He could always connect his audiences to other communities by playing his recordings. In this video, produced for the exhibit « Word Shout Song, » native speakers of Gullah, Portuguese, and several African languages clearly show how Turner could make the connections.

Video 02 – The Song That Made the Roundtrip to Africa.

This video was produced for the exhibit « Word Shout Song. » It tells the story of the Mende funeral song, which was brought to the United States in the 18th century and survived within a Gullah family in Georgia, and made the trip back to Africa in the 20th century.

Video - 03 Xavier Vatin, Memórias Afro-Atlânticas : As Gravações de Lorenzo Turner na Bahia em 1940-41 = Afro-Atlantic Legacies : Lorenzo Turner’s Bahia Recordings (1940-41).

This is a companion video to the publication of the same title, published in 2017.

Video 04 – How Drums Talk

Dr. Lorenzo Dow Turner collected an array of musical instruments in Africa during his research trip in the 1950s. His favorite was the talking drum, which he often used in his talks introducing Africa to audiences in the United States. This video, produced for the « Word Shout Song » exhibit, shows how to play the talking drum.