« Gilbert Rouget, un parcours ethnomusicologique. Entretien avec Bernard Lortat-Jacob et Claude Kiejman »
« Gilbert Rouget, un parcours ethnomusicologique. Interview with Bernard Lortat-Jacob et Claude Kiejman », collection “L’Ethnologie en héritage”, n°3, director : Stéphane Jourdain ; producer : Gilles Le Mao /La Huit, 2006, 150 min.
Presentation :
Gilbert Rouget, honorary director of research at the CNRS, former director of the Ethnomusicology Laboratory at the Musée de l’Homme and successor to André Schaeffner, talks to the camera about his scientific career, his masters and professors, his collaborators and friends, including Jean Rouch, with whom he experienced the great times of French Africanist research.
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