International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

François-Marie Luzel’s Archives

What is usually called the Luzel Fund is what, on the death of Anatole Le Braz, was deposited in the Rennes Public Library and classified by Joseph Ollivier Bibliothèque des Champs Libres de Rennes . Some of the Breton folk theatre manuscripts held by Le Braz were deposited in the Inter-University Library in Rennes. In addition, Luzel submitted manuscripts to the National Library and the Quimper Public Library. His contribution to the Fortoul investigation is also at the National Library. The National Archives contain the file of his missions and the administrative file allowing his teaching career to be followed. The Archives du Finistère hold various correspondence and writings, and the Nantes Media Library, the Renan Museum and the Abbey of Landévennec hold various documents and letters.


A description of these different funds is available on the Archivethno database.