International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

”Ceremonialism in North America”

Robert H. Lowie
Full reference

Lowie, Robert H., 1915. ”Ceremonialism in North America”. In F. Boas, R.B. Dixon, P. E. Goddard, A. A. Goldenweiser, A. Hrdlicka, W. H. Holmes, R. H. Lowie, P. Radin, J. R. Swanton & C. Wissler, Anthropology in North America. New York: G. E. Stechert & Co., pp. 229-258.

“The papers included in this volume were prepared for presentation by the American Anthropological Association and the American Folk-Lore Society to the Nineteenth International Congress of Americanists, which was to have been held in Washington in October, 1914, but was deferred on account of the European war. The contributions have been reprinted from the American Anthropologist and the Journal of American Folk-Lore.”


Full pdf (see pages 229-258).

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Anthropology in North America - Pdf

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University of California Libraries | Archive.org