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of the Histories of Anthropology

Sudan Notes and Records

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Sudan Notes and Records, 1918-1999. Vol. 1-64, 1918-83; n.s., Vol. 1-3, 1997-1999. Published by the Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Cairo (1918-1920) then by the Philosophical Society of the Sudan, Khartoum [etc.] Sudan Notes and Records. Absorbed: Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of the Sudan (June 1950).


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Sudan Notes and Records. Jstor - Url

Sudan Notes and Records. Vols. 1 (1918) - 49 (1969). SFDAS - URL

Origin/location of the resource

— Jstor.org
— Section française de la Direction des antiquités du Soudan, Ambassade de France à Khartoum.