Scientific Direction
- Christine Laurière (Héritages, CNRS, CY, administrative director) and Frederico Delgado Rosa (CRIA NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST, Lisbonne)
Project Manager FORBEROSE (Fond national de la science ouverte, FNSO)
- Aurélie Veyron-Churlet (Héritages, CY Cergy Paris Université) (January 2024- )
Proofreading and editing of publications in French
- Anabel Vazquez (Héritages, CNRS) (From May 2022 on)
- Annick Arnaud (Héritages, Ministère de la Culture, CY) (Until February 2021)
- Solène Hazouard (Héritages, CY Cergy Paris Université) (March 2021- July 2023)
Proofreading and editorial revision of articles in English
Proofreading and editorial revision of articles in Spanish
Proofreading and editorial revision of articles in Portuguese
- Frederico Delgado Rosa (CRIA NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Proofreading and editorial revision of articles in Italian
- Giordana Charuty (EPHE)
- Fabiana Dimpflmeier (Università « Gabriele d’Annunzio » di Chieti – Pescara)
- Francesco Faeta (La Sapienza)
- Oksanna Beslay-Nardi (07-09/2024) (Ethnological Heritage Board)
Webdesign and development
- Aurélie Veyron-Churlet (From 2016 on)
- Emmanuel Lamotte (From 2022 on)
Original graphic design
- Aurélie Veyron-Churlet (From 2016 on)
- Jean Detrez
IT developments
- Indrek Parnpuu : database software
- Jonathan Rousseau : Symfony2
IT and multimedia – Relational diagrams
- Jean-Christophe Monferran (Héritages, CNRS, CY)
Editorial management (Encyclopaedia and BEROSE books) – Relational diagrams
- Claudie Voisenat (Héritages, Ministère de la Culture, CY) (until 2020)
Digital collections and partnerships
- Christelle Ventura (IIAC-LAHIC, EHESS, Paris) (up to 2013)
Documentation and expansion of the database
- Anabel Vazquez (Héritages, CNRS) (From May 2022 on)
- Florence Neveux (IIAC-LAHIC, CNRS, Paris) (up to 2016)
Scientific Committee
- Ira BASHKOW (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Department of Anthropology)
- Claude BLANCKAERT (CNRS, Paris, Centre Koyré)
- Alice CONKLIN (Ohio State University, Colombus, Department of History)
- Regna DARNELL (University of Western Ontario)
- Vincent DEBAENE (University of Geneva, Columbia University of New York)
- Nélia DIAS (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon)
- Andre GINGRICH (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Social Anthropology - ISA)
- Christian JACOB (EHESS, Paris, ANHIMA)
- Adam KUPER (LSE London, Department of Anthropology)
- João LEAL (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Department of Anthropology)
- Benoît de L´ESTOILE (CNRS, ENS, Paris, Centre Maurice Halbwachs)
- Herbert LEWIS (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Anthropology)
- Andrew LYONS (University of Waterloo, Ontario, Department of Anthropology)
- Jean-Christophe MONFERRAN (founding member of BEROSE, CNRS, Paris, IIAC-LAHIC)
- Fernanda PEIXOTO (Universidade de São Paulo, Department of anthropology)
- Fermín del PINO (CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain)
- Emmanuelle SIBEUD (Université Paris 8, IDHES)
- George STEINMETZ (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Department of Sociology)
- Han VERMEULEN (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Saale, Allemagne ; founding member of the History of Anthropology Network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, EASA)
- Claudie VOISENAT (founding member of BEROSE, Ministère de la culture, Paris, IIAC-LAHIC)
Editorial Board
- Sónia Vespeira de Almeida (CRIA/NOVA FCSH, Lisbon)
- Kali Argyriadis (IRD, Université Paris-Diderot, URMIS)
- Frédéric Audren (CNRS - CEE / École de droit de Sciences Po)
- Thomas Beaufils (Université de Lille, IRHiS UMR CNRS 8529)
- Alice Berthon (CRJ/EHESS & CEJ/INALCO)
- Hande Birkalan-Gedik (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie, Frankfurt am Main)
- Rita Ávila Cachado (CIES-IUL, Lisbon)
- Stefania Capone (CNRS, CéSor)
- Giordana Charuty (EPHE, IIAC)
- Isabelle Combès (IFEA, CIHA - Santa Cruz de la Sierra; TEIAA Barcelona)
- Lorena Córdoba (CONICET/UCA, Buenos Aires - CIHA - Santa Cruz de la Sierra)
- Laurent Dedryvère (EILA, Université de Paris, site Paris-Diderot)
- François Gasnault ((Ministère de la Culture, Paris)
- Jean-Louis Georget (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)
- Geoffrey Gray (University of Queensland)
- Thomas Grillot (CNRS)
- Laetitia Guerlain (Université de Bordeaux, IRM-CAHD et CAK)
- Hélène Ivanoff (Frobenius-Institut für Kulturanthropologische Forschung an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Isabelle Kalinowski (CNRS,Laboratoire Pays germaniques UMR 8547, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
- Richard Kuba (Frobenius-Institut für Kulturanthropologische Forschung an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Damien Kunik (Musée d’ethnographie de Genève)
- Maud Laëthier (IRD, Université Paris-Diderot, URMIS)
- Christine Laurière (CNRS, Héritages
- Marie-Barbara Le Gonidec (Ministère de la Culture, Héritages)
- Sara Le Menestrel (CNRS)
- Michela Lo Feudo (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
- André Mary (CNRS)
- Nicolas Mollard (Université Lyon III Jean Moulin, IETT)
- Jean-Christophe Monferran (CNRS, Héritages)
- Abdurrahim Ozmen (Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakir)
- Fernanda Arêas Peixoto(Universidade de São Paulo).
- Aura Lisette Reyes (Colciencias-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ICANH)
- Carlotta Santini (CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure)
- Ildikó Sz. Kristóf (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
- Céline Trautmann-Waller (Université Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris 3/IUF)
- Diego Villar (CONICET/UCA, Buenos Aires - CIHA - Santa Cruz de la Sierra)
- Claudie Voisenat (Ministère de la Culture, Héritages)