International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Tylor, Edward Burnett (1832-1917)

Coordinated by Maria Beatrice Di Brizio

Centro di ricerca Mobilità Diversità Inclusione sociale (MODI)-Università di Bologna

Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917) was the first chair of anthropology in the United Kingdom at Oxford University (1895) and a major figure in Victorian evolutionary anthropology. In his best-known book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871, he aimed to shed light on the origins and development of culture, especially religion, through a comparative analysis of a vast body of ethnographic and historical data, encompassing humanity as a whole. His many publications also include Anahuac (1861), Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization (1865), and Anthropology (1881).

Keywords: Evolutionism | Second half of the 19th century | First quarter of the 20th century | United Kingdom | Universal comparison | Religion | Family and kinship | Cultural diffusion and migrations | Concept of culture | Material culture

Secondary sources

Primary sources

Notes and research instruments