International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Mélusine (1877-1912)

Coordinated by Jean‑Marie Privat

IIAC-LAHIC, Université de Metz

Christelle Ventura


The journal Mélusine was founded in 1877, in the form of monthly issues, by Henri Gaidoz and Eugène Rolland, with the subtitle: Collection of mythology, popular literature, traditions and customs. They would be gathered in a single volume in 1878. Eleven volumes appeared between 1878 and 1912 but their periodicity was uncertain. The publication of the volumes was interrupted between 1879 and 1883 and then between 1901 and 1911. In 1888, Eugène Rolland left the direction of Mélusine, but Henri Gaidoz’s articles and transcriptions continued to be published until 1912, posthumously.

Keywords: Folklore | Last quarter of the 19th century | First quarter of the 20th century | Folk traditions | Oral literature | Mythology | Journals and periodicals

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