International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Gaidoz, Henri (1842-1932)

Coordinated by Claudine Gauthier

IIAC-LAHIC, Université de Bordeaux

Born in Paris, Henri Gaidoz (1842-1932) was one of the main promoters, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the critical renewal of folklore in close connection to philology. He was professor of geography and ethnography at the School of Political Science from 1872 to 1906, and also held the chair of Celtic philology at the École pratique des hautes études from 1876. He participated in the creation of the Société de linguistique, which he administered from 1870 to 1877 and presided over in 1881. He founded the Revue Celtique in 1872 and then Mélusine in 1877 with Eugène Rolland.

Keywords: Linguist/Philologist | Teacher | Last quarter of the 19th century | First quarter of the 20th century | Brittany | Celtic studies

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