International Encyclopaedia
of the Histories of Anthropology

Born into a modest Protestant family, Jacques Soustelle (1913-1990) was the first philosopher of his generation to turn to ethnology. With his wife Georgette, they went to Mexico for two years in 1932-1934, then a further six months in 1935. He was appointed Deputy Director of the Musée de l’Homme in May 1937. In July 1940, he joined General de Gaulle. After the war, he pursued both a political (Gaullist deputy) and scientific career, becoming director of studies at the EPHE in 1951. Appointed Governor General of Algeria in 1955, he was committed to an integration policy. He was very critical of the decolonization process in Africa and he remained a supporter of French Algeria. He was elected to the Académie française in 1983.

Keywords: Colonial sciences | French Ethnology | French colonialism | Indigenism | France | Algeria | Mexico | Mesoamerican studies | Americanism | Arab and Islamic Studies